The Best of its Time(Chapter 4)Click here

Contrast is a good sign,for example in an atmosphere of too much Fear,Faith can easily arise and do a better job. In life always be prepared for the Contrast no matter what your Status is.
Ola is the only Child of his Mother,his Father left his Mum before he was born. Such predicament gave him a courageous,fearless attitude towards life. Having gone without food for days,and doing a lot of menial jobs as well,he got admitted into a prestigious University within the Country. In his first year a Sad and fateful event occurred his Mother died mysteriously. His world crashed before his face. While the Sand was been poured over the Grave Ola hysterically jumped into it,and was sent to a psychiatry home. He was discharged as being sane.
He began smoking indian hemp after that event,and as the smoke rises he assumes that it is a message from his heart to his late Mum.
As a means of funding his University Education,he began to peddle hemps,at day he sold and went to class,at night he studied and slept for less than 3 hours. Academically his fame spread as the Genius Engineering Student, while among lovers of weed his name was associated with the best type.
Once at his final year,he smoked one pot too much and slept off missing two Exam papers that day. His Life flashed before his eyes when he awoke,and he vowed to himself never to touch Mary ‘J’ anymore if he is allowed to sit for the Exam privately. On account of his genius, the two lecturers set another Exams for him which he excelled in with flying colours.
Today is 2 years after he graduated and he is yet to get a job. Having done all from selling roasted plantain to hawking rat poison,he has gathered enough Money for his Masters Programme for which he would go and pay today. The Sun looks brighter as he stepped out of his face me I face you home,he looked up whispered a message of hope to his imagined Mother Spirit,smiled to himself and commenced his walk boldly towards something better.

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