The Best of its Time(Chapter 12)Click here

Chapter 12
Smiling is a toxin remover,the moment you feel you’ve got nothing to smile for is the best time to relax,and smile. You don’t have to wait for a situation or someone to determine your pleasure,you’re in control of your outlook towards life.
Obinna was in the Mall buying some groceries,when his phone rings. He picks up the phone smiling but after few minute he began to argue with the person on the other line. ” That’s it,I’ve had enough”He said before hanging up,fuming.
Precious called her friend and told her about the conversation she just had with Obinna laughing. “He suddenly got defensive and began to deny my accusations,don’t mind Men they think they can smartly get away with infidelity.” Ifeoma grinned widely on the other End of the phone and advised her friend not to pick Obinna Calls any more claiming he is not worth it. Since the second week of ASUU strike Precious relationship with Obinna has been unstable. Ifeoma who secretly envies Precious relationship was always instigating her against Obinna,planting false thoughts in her head of his unfaithful habits. As ladies are prone to do,Precious believed every word her friend says without an iota of doubt and after Ifeoma tells her another derogatory words about Obinna,her feelings towards him dwindles. A call comes in and she refused to pick after checking the caller ID. Then series of apology messages was sent to her phone as well,after reading it,she immediately forwards it to her friend,who in turn would send her response. Precious final message to Obinna that day was “You double timing liar,do not ever call my line again,I’m no longer interested in you,I’d block your contacts on my phone and social media,I hate you”
Obinna opened his mouth in disbelief as he read the message. He tries to call her for the umpteen time,but his attempts didn’t connect. He put his hand in his head while he sits on the sofa,remembering all the false accusations Precious had subjected him to these past few months. The only person who seems to believe he is faithful to Precious is her best friend Ifeoma,to whom he would always call to assist him convince her friend of his innocence.
“I’ve finally sent him my final message” Precious said in another phone conversation with her friend. Ifeoma was really happy to hear that and as soon as Precious hung up, she immediately called Obinna and acted shock at the revelation he made. “I’d come to your place in a few minute,I can’t believe she sent that message until I see it .Ifeoma said on phone acting concerned.

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